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Meet Freelance Writer
Sarah Rose
With a degree in journalism, a background in interior design, and a passion for traveling the world, Sarah Rose loves writing about all things lifestyle. Further, as an independent researcher and historian, Rose also loves writing about histories and mysteries of the ancient world, as well as the soulful magic of the Lowcountry, where she lives. Rose dreams of living in Europe one day, and writing about all of her adventures.

Around the World
Whether living on a cruise ship for four months while sailing around the world from the Bahamas to Seattle; living in China for almost a year; going on safari in the Masai Mara; river rafting in the Philippines; hiking the Great Wall; backpacking through Japan; exploring the old souk in Dubai; wandering through the wats in Chaing Mai; watching the sun rise over the Taj Mahal; or sipping tea in England or champagne in Monte Carlo, Rose is always up for the next adventure. Rose's passion for travel, her eye for interior design, and her obsession with books and history, is reflected in her writing style.